XBRL News from Luxembourg, about cybersecurity and ESEF

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XBRL News from Luxembourg, about cybersecurity and ESEF

17 March 2022 Technology & Digitalization 0

Here are the three most relevant developments in the world of structured reporting we became aware of in the course of last week.

1  Luxembourg moves to online filing with eRISS

2  Workiva: What the SEC cybersecurity proposal means for you

With cybersecurity incidents seeming to spread faster than inflation, and with the federal government issuing Shields Up guidance to fend off Russian cyberattacks, the SEC is flexing some disclosure muscle to add transparency to cybersecurity breaches.

These new cybersecurity breach disclosures have to be made to the SEC in the iXBRL format – who knew? Note that the author has an interest in the company. 

3 ESEF base taxonomy incorporated into EU law

The new version of the basic taxonomy is based on the (annual) update 2021 of the IFRS taxonomy published by the IFRS Foundation in March 2021 and applies to financial years starting on or after 01.01.2022.

This originally German article discusses the incorporation of the new IFRS taxonomy into the ESEF taxonomy as mandated by EU law.


Christian Dreyer CFA is well known in Swiss Fintech circles as an expert in XBRL and financial reporting for investors.

 We have a self-imposed constraint of 3 news stories each week because we serve busy senior leaders in Fintech who need just enough information to get on with their job.

 For context on XBRL please read this introduction to our XBRL Week in 2016 and read articles tagged XBRL in our archives. 

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