XBRL News about audits, LEIs and ESG

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XBRL News about audits, LEIs and ESG

23 December 2021 Technology & Digitalization 0

Here are the three most relevant developments in the world of structured reporting we became aware of in the course of last week.

1  Technology and the future of audits

2  EIOPA issues revised guidelines on Legal Entity Identifier

The objective of the revised Guidelines is to facilitate and further promote the use of LEI as unique identification code for legal entities. By harmonising the identification of legal entities ensuring high quality, reliable and comparable data, the Guidelines will continue to establish consistent, efficient and effective supervisory practices.

LEIs are an important part of the fully digitised reporting workflow transformation, but often poorly understood.

3 ESG reporting has joined the mainstream as standards setting begins

2021 has in many ways been the “year of ESG” – of environmental, social and governance issues – and has seen several crucially important developments, particularly in terms of sustainability reporting standards and requirements.

This is a nice summary of what probably amounts to the most consequential development of the year in reporting.


Christian Dreyer CFA is well known in Swiss Fintech circles as an expert in XBRL and financial reporting for investors.

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