Web3 Part 3 exchanging value (not just content) online is a game changer

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Web3 Part 3 exchanging value (not just content) online is a game changer

15 February 2022 Technology & Digitalization 0

One reason why Web3 has some negative chatter is that it is being used to hype some crypto projects. The implied correlation is Web3 is good so crypto project X is good.

I am NOT promoting any crypto projects, but I think that Web3 based on decentralised and permissionless exchange of value is real and not hype.

Bitcoin, the first crypto project and first Web 3 venture, changed the game by making it possible to exchange value (not just content) online.

Disclosure,  own some Bitcoin.

Web2 ventures created a huge amount of value based on the Internet being the perfect copy machine. If this post gets a million views it costs me almost exactly the same as if it got 100 views. Yet if I sold you something for $1million it is a totally different value proposition than selling you something for $1. What Bitcoin enabled was a way for all of us to exchange value securely whether it is for $1million or for $1.

At some point in future this will seem as normal as buying stuff online (which looked weird & risky when it first appeared).

Some subjects are too complex for our short attention spans, so we do 4 posts one week apart, each one short enough not to lose your attention but in aggregate doing justice to the complexity of the subject. Stay tuned by subscribing.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Daily Fintech’s original insight is made available to you for US$143 a year (which equates to $2.75 per week). $2.75 buys you a coffee (maybe), or the cost of a week’s subscription to the global Fintech blog – caffeine for the mind that could be worth $ millions.