Tag: T-Mobile

Capture investment opportunities created by megatrends

Halo will launch a remotely operated car service powered by 5G in Las Vegas

5G technology has generated a lot of hype for its potential to power driverless cars using a remote operator, but for the past few years that’s all it’s been — hype. Las Vegas-based startup Halo and telecom giant T-Mobile are teaming up to change that, with a driverless electric car service in Las Vegas powered…
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8 July 2021 0

When the Earth is gone, at least the internet will still be working

The internet is now our nervous system. We are constantly streaming and buying and watching and liking, our brains locked into the global information matrix as one universal and coruscating emanation of thought and emotion. What happens when the machine stops though? It’s a question that E.M. Forster was intensely focused on more than a…
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8 May 2021 0