Tag: Seed

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Our favorite startups from YC’s Summer 21 Demo Day, Part 2

Space read-alongs aren’t too far away, if you ask us From beaming actors into the class room to plucking things out of space, the second day of Y Combinator’s S21 Demo Day was a fresh snapshot of what nearly 200 startup teams believe is the future of innovation. Yesterday, the TechCrunch team covered the first half…
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1 September 2021 0

Norwest Venture Partners’ Lisa Wu to teach founders how to think like a VC at TC Early Stage

The best venture capitalists take moonshot risks based on due diligence, support portfolio companies through ups and downs and find focus through noise. When you look at the job description of the best founder, you’ll find nearly the exact same list of characteristics (except, of course, instead of a portfolio, the founder is supporting a…
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23 April 2021 0