Tag: maveron

Capture investment opportunities created by megatrends

Meet Mighty, an online platform where kid CEOs run their own storefronts; a “digital lemonade stand”

Until children reach a certain age, enrichment programs are somewhat limited to school, sports, and camps, while money-making opportunities are largely non-existent. Now, a year-old, L.A.-based startup called Mighty, a kind of Shopify that invites younger kids to open a store online, aims to partly fill the void. In fact, Mighty — led by founders…
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2 July 2021 0

Gardening startups like Neverland want to make every day Earth Day for the home gardener

Vera Kutsenko and Hayley Leibson have incredible tech pedigrees, but their latest venture involves as much digging in dirt as it does digging through lines of code. The two women have founded Neverland, a startup for the home gardener that aims to be a marketplace connecting mom and pop gardening shops with the explosion of…
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25 April 2021 0