Tag: Extra Crunch Roundup

Capture investment opportunities created by megatrends

Extra Crunch roundup: UiPath’s IPO filing, predicting revenue, how to pivot properly, much more

This is not a boast, but a warning: I could write a how-to article on almost any topic. Give me enough time to do some research, and I can put together a reliable step-by-step for building a custom gaming PC, installing a hot water heater or interpreting public health data. But since I’ve never actually…
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16 April 2021 0

Extra Crunch roundup: StockX EC-1, Early Stage recaps, unpacking Alkami’s IPO, more

Over the last few days, we’ve published several articles recapping panels from last week’s TechCrunch Early Stage virtual conference. Each story is based on an interview with a founder or investor who addressed some of the most common startup dilemmas. Predictably, they’re mostly focused on the how and why: How do I get into an…
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9 April 2021 0