Tag: extra crunch EC-1

Capture investment opportunities created by megatrends

The Nuro EC-1

Six years ago, I sat in the Google self-driving project’s Firefly vehicle — which I described, at the time, as a “little gumdrop on wheels” — and let it ferry me around a closed course in Mountain View, California. Little did I know that two of the people behind Firefly’s ability to see and perceive…
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16 August 2021 0

How bottom-up sales helped Expensify blaze the path for SaaS

Expensify EC-1 Part 5: Business model Anna Heim 7 hours You’d expect an expense management company to have a large sales department and advertise through all kinds of channels to maximize customer acquisition. But like we’ve seen over and over through the course of this EC-1, Expensify just doesn’t do what you think it should.…
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8 June 2021 0